Monday, February 26, 2007

First 110 sng's played (16 turbos stars)

Over the first 110 I played so far today and last night here are my stats:

45/110 In the money (ITM)


profit of $332.00 (approx 18% ROI).

Obviously I am happy with how things are going, although its kind of expected. I want to keep up this kind of ROI though, and think its definitely possible at this level. I think I can play 100 of these a day and average over 200 dollars profit daily. For the most part I 12 tabled, and did one set of 14 tables. I will likely keep 12 tabling, with the odd 14 or 16 table set thrown in when I'm feeling frisky and ready for the extra pressure. I am going to be taking some money out now and then, but will keep track of the profit I make through this ordeal in the blog, so anyways.

110sngs/$332.00 profit

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